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This consıst of the places in this rpg.
»Name: hyoku no kojo (land of The Mighty Mutants)
»Location: it is located at a misty area surrounded with valleys and mountains. It is very difficult for outsiders to easily locate this place because of its misty weather condition.

»Name: Hades (Home of The Zoracks
»Location: Hades according to darkness unbound wikipedia is the darkest and scariest place in darkness unbound rpg, it is located at the realm of the banished souls, the reason for this name was because of satomi using the banishment of demons to banish lost souls. This is the home of the zoracks.

»Name: Takumo Moetsu (land of Celestials)
»Location: Home of the Celestials, it is located at the realm of Celestials. It is a busy place so one would feel neglected when in this place.
»The Mutants Reside in The human World.
»Coast City
»Capital City
»Castle Town
»Paradise Nation